Are You Ready to Update the Space in Your Home Where You Spend Most of Your Time?


Luxurious italian homeware

You love when your house is decorated from the for the holidays. And while you may always be happy about the Italian living room furniture that is in your home, they look especially festive when the trees are decorated. In fact, the entire room that is full of unique furniture pieces looks even better when the family drags our all of the traditional holiday decorations.
Whether you have a whole home full of modern luxury furniture, or you only have one or two high end pieces in your entire home, making sure that you take these items into your holiday decorating plans can help you make the most of your decorations when they come out of storage every year.

Are You Happy with the Furniture in Your Home?

Sometimes the holidays accent the great pieces of furniture that you have in your home. In other houses, however, when you bring out the Christmas decorations these items highlight how old and worn the other furniture is in your home. For many home owners, the slow process of finding a few unique furniture pieces can help to immediately update your spaces. One major advantage of unique furnishings can help you slowly improve the look of the place that you call home.

Consider some of these facts and figures about Italian living room furniture and other kinds of high end furniture that many home owners are interested in adding to their homes, as well as how high end choices contribute to the nation’s economy:

  • Furniture and home furnishings stores generated nearly $101.41 billion worth of sales in the year 2013.
  • 60% of high-end home furnishings customers look for items that make them feel both comfortable and calm.
  • Top grain leather is obtained from the top 3/64 of an inch, or .9 mm to 1.5 mm, of the outer grain of the leather hide.
  • Baby Boomers accounted for 42% of all furniture and bedding buying households in the year 2012. By the year 2014, however, when Boomers, currently between ages 51 and 69, comprised 29% of all of the nation’s buyers.

When it is time to pull out the holiday decorations in your home, are you happy with the way that these items look when they become part of your everyday space? If not, are you looking for ways to make sure that you are happy with the space where you spend your time, during the holidays and on the most normal days. A new Italian living room furniture
piece can be just that thing that your space needs.

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