It is a sad fact that death is a part of life. The average American lives to almost 79 years before they pass on, leaving behind friends and family who mourn their loss. Though we often think of funerals as being for the deceased, they are really much more important for the living. They allow us a chance to say goodbye, providing closure and giving us the very important chance to mourn.
Funerals differ greatly from one to the next. Some have open caskets, others have closed caskets, and 47% have memorials for the cremated deceased. Regardless, flowers for the funeral home tend to be a part of every funeral. There are many online funeral florists and even local funeral florists that provide cheap funeral flowers that don’t manage to convey the sense of honor that the giver desires. Casket flowers are an important way for the living to show love and honor to the deceased, so it is very important to select a local funeral florist who is experienced and well qualified to create arrangements for funerals.
When buying an arrangement from your local funeral florist, keep these things in mind:
- The personality of the deceased. If you were close enough to the person, you might know a favorite flower or color and can choose accordingly, or opt to send a bright arrangement to signify the energetic, charismatic nature of the deceased person. Also consider the personalities of the grieving family members and consider what might be well received.
- Color meanings. White represents peace and reverence and blue represents comfort and calm. These colors might be better suited for a funeral than green flowers which represent health and good fortune.
- Religious beliefs of the deceased and the bereaved. Muslims may be offended by cross arrangements, for example, and those of Eastern Orthodox faith place high value on white flowers for funerals.
- Your relationship to the deceased. Certain types of arrangements are expected by those with particular relationship to the deceased. Large casket arrangements should only be chosen by those closest to the deceased, like immediate family. Those who knew the deceased personally might send wreaths, sprays, or religious arrangements. Floral baskets are generally provided by attendees who were not acquainted with the deceased, but associated with the bereaved.
If you aren’t sure what kind of arrangement to send for a funeral, consider sending a potted plant to the family of the deceased. Also know that even if the bereaved ask for charitable donations in lieu of flower arrangements, it is still appropriate to purchase flowers. The aftermath of a loved one’s death can be very difficult to handle, but flowers provide a way for us to honor them and feel closure. Get more on this here.
Tribute arrangements can also be beautiful. A friend sent flowers in the shape of a book when my mom, who was a teacher, passed away.