Jewelry has been important in society for as long as any of us can remember – and far precedes even that. In fact, the first jewelry was dated at nearly ten thousand years ago, beads that were made from Nassarius shells and worn probably as a bracelet or a necklace or maybe even in some other sort of configuration. Since then, it is true that jewelry has evolved and diversified. From pearls to diamonds to simple gold pendants, there is a type of jewelry for every type of person, men and women alike. Sea glass charms themselves are hugely popular and represent just one type of jewelry made from sea glass.
Sea glass charms have been in use for nearly as long as jewelry itself has existed and as long as glass itself has been around. It can first be dated back to 2000 B.C. Sea glass charms and the like have been updated for the modern world, and the North American Sea Glass Foundation, founded in the year of 2007 (just over ten years ago), provides a place for as many as ninety thousand sea glass enthusiasts to present their findings and learn more about sea glass charms and other types of sea glass jewelry (such as, for example, types of sea glass earring or even types of sea glass rings).
There many types of sea glass itself, let alone types of sea glass charms. Because sea glass is created from man made glass that ends up in the sea or ocean, where it is worn down into what we know as sea glass, it comes in a wide variety of colors. While orange sea glass is rare – found typically only one in every one thousand pieces that are found – blue and green sea glass is the most common. Blue and green sea glass colors are found at least once within every fifty to one hundred pieces of sea glass discovered.
People where sea glass jewelry made from sea glass charms and other forms of sea glass for a number of different events. Depending on the type of jewelry made from it, it is easy for sea glass to be made appropriate for both casual as well as more formal events. For instance, types of sea glass wedding jewelry has become more and more popular, particularly the blue and green colors of sea glass (which is fortunate, as it is more typically found than other potential types of sea glass).
Sea glass can be made formal for many a different wedding theme. From sea glass wedding rings to sea glass pendants, sea glass charms and jewelry can add the perfect touch to any wedding look. But sea glass can be used for more casual attire as well. A sea glass necklace is often the ideal complement to an outfit, both for everyday use as well as a little dressier, like for a party of for going out.
Sea glass has long been a popular jewelry staple in the United States and beyond, to encompass the entirety of the world. From searching for sea glass on beaches themselves to purchasing already made sea glass charms and sea glass necklaces in stores (often supporting local jewelry designers and creators and the local businesses that are likely to sell their wares), sea glass is an important jewelry staple, and has been for thousands and thousands of years.