One of the most important pieces of equipment you can buy for back packing is a well made bag. Herschel bags rank right up there with the best, well made bags that are on the market today, such as the Edwin denim bags, Lee 101 and Penfield UK. Herschel bags are made by the Herschel Supply Co. which originated in the small town of Herschel Canada. Two Cormack brothers founded the company in 2009. Herschel bags are now manufactured in Vancouver, Canada. Herschel bags, backpacks and travel goods are all made using high quality materials with special attention being paid to the finest details on these products.
Herschel bags have a signature paisley lining in all of their bags. A new line has been released by this company recently called the Heritage Plus. In addition to the normal Hershel bags, you can also purchase high quality Heritage Plug bags to go with the new hiking boots and running shoes now being offered by the Herschel Supply Company. One of the newest Herschel bags is the Heritage Plus bag that has been designed to go with the new Balance line of shoes and boots. Herschel bags are now coming out in new colours for spring too. The Bad Hills collection of Herschel bags are really attractive looking, sturdy high quality bags and if you like nature, you’ll love these new Herschel bags, which are created with high quality heavy duty zippers and finest quality leather straps, in bright new prints and colours for spring.
You don’t just have to use Herschel bags for backpacking either. These bags are really heavy duty and serve well as book bags for college kids who have to carry around heavy book while at school. Herschel bags are going to stand up to your everyday wear and tear, even when backed full of heavy school books. Find out more about these high quality bags by searching for them online. You can take a look at the selection that is currently available for the savvy shopper today by searching for them online.