If you’re planning to buy a new mattress, hold that decision for now. Before going to your local bed shop, here is a buying guide to help you choose the best mattress.
Mattress types:
Innerspring – as the name suggests, an innerspring mattress combines a foam-based bed with coiled springs inside.
While they offer some soothing relief, they aren’t known to be great when dealing with pressure point relief. However, they are relatively cheaper than the rest of the mattress types on this list.
Foam – is one of the most popular types of mattresses on the list. When you come to your local bed shop, you’ll find that foam is quite abundant. They are made entirely of foam with no installed coils. They are the best for comfort, relief, and motion isolation. While they may be expensive, they offer a mattress’s best features.
Hybrid – is a trending type of mattress that has been popular in recent years; it combines both innerspring and foam mattresses. This type of mattress is good as it can provide the best of an innerspring and a foam mattress. However, it is quite expensive.
Airbed – they are usually built with an inner air chamber inside. People don’t love the idea of airbeds because it is quite flexible, and this is somewhat bothersome to most people who want to have a good sleep.