The Accomplishments of Black Celebrities



Today in mainstream culture, minorities and multiculturalism is praised and embraced by many. As time proceeds, there ware more and more minorities, and the world is becoming a place of many different cultures and ethnicities. With this happening, many minorities are embracing their cultures and celebrating actors of their culture and ethnicity.

Understand that in there are more than 45 million African Americans that live within the United States. This information comes per the Census Bureau data which equates to about 15% of the United States population. As a matter of fact, in the year 2013 it was recorded that there were 3.7 million African American residents in New York. This gives New York the highest amount of New York residents.

With the advent of technology, many black people are allowed to interact on social media and they celebrate black celebrities and celebrity news. Social media has even brought forth a new wave of providing news and breaking celebrity news. Current news, urban news, the latest celebrity news, hollywood gossip, and hollywood news are all a very strong business industry. The combined earning of all business based in celebrity news was revealed as $3 million. Celebrity news is so profitable that TMZ as a business is one of the most strongest entertainment companies in the business.

Today, it has been estimate that about $500 billion dollars is the amount of spending power provided by the demographic that enjoys hip hop. This does not include just African Americans, but also includes people of other races that celebrate this culture. If you do not believe so, here are some accomplishments of black celebrities that has excited people who love celebrity news over the past couple of years.

    1. Tyra Banks was the first African American to be featured on the covers of GQ in the year 1996. She was on the cover of the February editor, which is the Swimsuit issue of the year 1996, and also the Victoria’s Secret lingerie catalog.

    2. One of the film industry’s highest paid actors is Will Smith as his films have grossed over $100 million. It is important to also mention Will Smith had a short lived career as a rapper as well, and also starred in an iconic TV show in hip hop culture called The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. He is someone that is often seen in celebrity news.

    3. One of the most popular artists in all of music is the artist known as Beyonce. As a matter of fact, Beyonce has an estimated net worth that equates to about $450 million, which makes her one of the most successful female artists in music in the entire world. Her husband is the popular rapper and their relationship at times will dominate celebrity news cycles. Jay Z has a net worth himself that is estimated to be around $650 million, making their collective wealth around $1 billion.

    4. In the years of 2014 and 2015, the African American Boxer Floyd Mayweather was the highest celebrity earner, with his annual income equating to about $300 million.

All of these facts and statistic about black celebrities and celebrities indicate a larger point about the celebrity group. Even though some may lament it, there is a strong following surrounding celebrity news and celebrity gossip. Just as much time is spent writing about the recent celebrity scandal as it is about politics.

There many different ways and many different media platforms that you can use to explore and consume. Whether it be social media, a legitimate news organization, or gossip magazines, you have so many different avenues to explore.

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