You’re out of high school now… act like it. It’s time to start acting like an adult. This doesn’t mean that you have to take all the joy out of life and just work until you die, however. You can still have a good time, just do so in a more mature manner.
You’ll soon learn that going out on a date is much better than sitting inside all night playing video games. You’ll learn that having real conversations with your friends over a few drinks is much better than drinking cheap beer until you all black out. And you’ll learn that dressing like a professional — and not a lazy slob — will make you feel great.
You don’t have to be a lawyer to dress nice. You can be in the medical field, construction, food service, plumbing or any other industry to dress nice. Maybe don’t wear a nice suit while you’re preparing a meal or doing construction, but at the end of the day and at social events, show people you’re not just a job.
Here are a few tips to improve your style, turn more heads, and look like a professional.
Every young professional should at least have one good suit. Three or four would be ideal to start out, but having one is a must. There are far too many young people who only own one suit and it’s the one they wore to prom eight years ago.
Get a nice suit.
It doesn’t have to be a $700 suit, you can find high-quality suits all over the place. You will not only impress prospective employers, your friends and family, and just about everyone else, but you will also impress yourself once you really start feeling more confident in your adult clothes.
Fine leather goods like leather belts and mens leather satchels can be great accessories for any professional wardrobe. You might be skeptical about buying satchels because silly Alan from The Hangover wore them and shouted, “It’s not a purse it’s a satchel!” Well, first of all, if you’re over 22, stop quoting The Hangover. And second of all, satchels have plenty of fashion as well as convenience benefits.
Try your best to act more like the adult that you have become. You’re not in school anymore, don’t let people think you still are. It’s time to begin your career as a young professional!