Being More Active as a Family Increases the Health Goals of Both Parents and Children


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The pictures are fabulous, but the memories are priceless. From using your own bouldering gear in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado to the rented bouldering gear in the Rain Forests of Costa Rica, your family has amassed a number of great memories climbing together. In fact, family vacations and holidays seem to be just one more way to make sure that while everyone is in a physical condition that allows them to climb together that you get in as many climbing experiences as possible. A decade ago you would not have imagined that your children would ever transition into a phase where they would want family time more than the latest electron gadgets. It seems, however, that the thrill of the climb and the opportunity to see some of the most beautiful parts of the country, and if you are lucky, of the world.

Whether you are a family that likes to rock climb or paddle board, it is easy to realize that the need for quality equipment. And while some families are comfortable spend their money in other ways, there is a growing number of people who make adventure sports a priority in their financial budgets. Rock climbing gear and paddle boarding equipment are just two examples of the adventure gear that is playing an important role in the nation’s economy.

Adventure Clothing and Equipment Are Increasingly Important Parts of the Nation’s Economy

For the millions of Americans that camp it will come as no surprise that consumer spending on camping equipment reaches nearly $1.8 billion a year. The fact that 67% of participants camped the most in public campgrounds in 2012 is one indicator that there are many affordable plays to stay if you want to enjoy this activity. This is a good thing because many of the families who enjoy camping also enjoy having comfortable sleeping and convenient cooking options. The camping industry is happy to provide. With the latest camping supplies that are available, these campers can find the items that they need if they no longer want to be sleeping in a ground tent and cooking around a fire pit. Fortunately, the adventure sports industry offers items for all kinds of campers, those who want to stay true to the oldest tent camping traditions and those who want to enjoy a more comfortable experience can all find what they need.

In addition to camping, rock climbing, and enjoying water sports with family members, there are a number of Americans who also want to spend this time with friends. In fact, research about the trends in camping show that 70% of all trips are taken with friends. As more and more Americans use adventure sports to create memories with both friends and family members, it is likely that the adventure industry will continue to have an impact on the nation’s economy. From bouldering gear to other sport specific equipment, there are a number of new products that continue to capture the attention of the growing number of outdoor enthusiasts.

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