How to Update Your Kitchen the Right Way


The video starts with Rebecca Robeson from Robeson Design introducing herself and explaining that she is working on a new project that involves a kitchen remodel in a downtown loft in Denver, Colorado.

Rebecca then says that she will give tips on kitchen remodeling. She starts by saying that you should pay close attention to the backsplash that goes behind the cooktop. It is a great way of adding a wow factor to your kitchen.

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Next, she addresses countertops. She likes choosing a different countertop option for the area surrounding the kitchen from the one on the kitchen island.

Rebecca then goes ahead to talk about cabinets. She recommends bringing cabinets up to the ceiling but remember to leave a bit of room between the countertops and cabinets.

For flooring, Rebecca says that tiles are a great way of matching the aesthetic of different areas. She recommends using area rugs in kitchens as hard surfaces can sometimes get cold.

Rebecca then goes ahead to say that when it comes to appliances, it’s more of a personal choice. She prefers mixing finishes.

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