Is Your Clothing Ethical? Why You Should Consider Handcrafted Clothing


Designer clothing is in high demand, and we all want clothing that not only shows off our own identity, but our creativity as well. The way we dress is a way to convey our individual personalities to the people around us, and can even make us feel more confident. While it is easy to run out to the nearest mall and purchase all the designer items we desire, I’d urge you to instead take a look at handcrafted textiles the next time you’re after a unique and eye catching piece.

The Benefits of Handcrafted Textiles

Purchasing handcrafted textiles comes with a range of benefits that many people in the mainstream haven’t considered, or heard of. Here are a few important ones to keep in mind.

  • Quality fabric. How many times have you spent a large sum on a designer product, only to have it degrade quickly after the first couple wears? Handcrafted items aren’t mass produced, meaning they don’t use cheaper fabrics to cut down on costs. Cotton, wool, silk, and linen are used in the manufacturing process, as opposed to synthetic fibers.
  • Long lasting. Since they are handmade, they are created more durable and capable of lasting for years to come, as opposed to losing their shape or wearing out after a few washes.
  • Customization. One of the best things about handmade textiles is the ability for customization. If you are anything like me, finding clothing that fits well without tailoring can be a huge hassle. Having the ability to purchase items that are specifically designed to be what you need and want is a huge benefit.
  • Exclusivity. While designer clothes can make you feel one in a million, the fact is many other people probably own the same article of clothing. Handmade pieces are either one of a kind, or made in small batches, meaning the piece that you own is literally one in a million. If you enjoy having a unique style that is just your own, this type of clothing is definitely for you.

The Environmental Benefits

  • Eco-friendly process. Because the clothing isn’t manufactured in a large factory, the energy that goes into making pieces is much less. Mass made clothing also produces a lot of greenhouse gases and toxic waste which can then pollute the air and water in the surrounding area. Handmade pieces don’t have these environmental hazards which is a bonus for everyone.
  • No excess. When clothing is mass produced, what isn’t sold after the season is typically thrown out, and due to the overuse of synthetic fibers in most mass produced clothing, it can sit for years and years without decomposing. Since handmade clothing is created when ordered, there is no excess to throw out, whereby helping keep at least a bit of waste out of the landfills.
  • Ethical responsibility. We have all heard stories of overworked laborers who toil away for pennies an hour to make many of the clothes we see in stores. Purchasing handmade clothing has the opposite effect. Instead, buying from artesians can help support their craft, and their community, without the worry of unethical work standards.
  • Support tradition. Buying handcrafted textiles with cultural significance can help support people who’s designs have been appropriated by mass fashion lines. In recent years many Native American and Indian elements have found their way into fashion. However, purchasing pieces from the actual culture helps support the people in an ethical manner that allows you to look great, and be respectable at the same time.
  • If you are looking for fashion options that are not only unique, but beneficial to the environment, handcrafted textiles are an option you need to consider. They can be customized and sized to exactly what you need, while being durable enough to last you for years. Consider your options and take a step towards looking your best.

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