When you want to get a tattoo or a piercing, it’s a big decision and you want to choose a reliable, reputable artist. After all, this is something that will be on your body forever – or very nearly so. However, you don’t need a famous tattoo artist to get a quality tattoo that you will love for years to come. Though you most likely will not get a tattoo by a famous tattoo artist, many tattoo artists have attended tattoo colleges and are well educated in tattoo art and how to properly design and execute a tattoo. In fact, many tattoo artists – not just a famous tattoo artist – will even be able to provide tattoo removal options for those who are dealing with tattoo regret from a previous tattoo.
Tattoos and piercings have become more common and popular than ever before, with over 20,000 tattoo parlors in the United States alone. Almost 15% of all people of all ages in the United States have at least one tattoo, and the same percentage of Americans have piercings in locations other than their ears and ear lobes. Unfortunately, rates of tattoo regret are not particularly low with over 10% of people in the United States going through the process of tattoo removal and around 5% of people covering up a regretted tattoo with a different one. Fortunately, however, there are a few precautions to take to avoid getting a tattoo that you ultimately regret – and no, you don’t need to get a tattoo by a famous tattoo artist to not regret it. It is, however, important that you respect and admire your chosen tattoo artist’s work and take the time to look through their portfolio. It’s also important to choose the tattoo shop you want to get your tattoo done at in a thorough process. Almost half of all those who have at least one tattoo think that choosing a tattoo shop based on it’s good recommendation and reputation is a good idea and crucial for getting a tattoo that you love. It’s also important to be aware of how tattoos are priced, with smaller tattoos rarely going for less than forty five dollars. If a tattoo is ridiculous inexpensive, it might not be the good deal you originally think that it is.
Tattoos and piercings can be a great way to express your personality as well as your individuality, but it’s important to consider a few things before getting one. Think first about the tattoo you want, the artist who will do it, and, finally, the cost that the tattoo is offered at. You don’t need to get your tattoo done by a famous tattoo artist in order to love it, but choosing an artist that you respect and admire is certainly crucial.