10 Things You Can Customize To Make It Your Own


We all love to take things and make them our own. Whether it be a car or a coffee table, nothing says “this is mine” quite like putting your personal touch on it. There are many things out there today that we can customize and make our own, and the best part is, it doesn’t have to cost an arm or a leg to make that item personal.

Now with Black Friday, the most widely known shopping holiday in America, on the horizon, this is the time of year where you can put your stamp on the items you buy.

So here are the things that you can customize and be one of a kind.

Design Your Holiday Stockings

It will be the time of year to get your immediate family together to celebrate the grand time of the year, and one stalwart to decorating your home for the Christmas season is hanging holiday stockings. Personalized Christmas stockings are a time-honored tradition for many families, and it’s a fun activity that the whole family can get on. Normally, the person’s name takes up the prime real estate of a holiday stocking, but for this year, make it extra special by putting a unique phrase or something that says “you” on the stocking.

Take the traditional holiday stocking up and notch and make it something that you will cherish for years to come.

Customize Your Shirts

Your shirt can be a statement item, something that lets everyone know what you’re all about and brings personality to your clothes. Custom shirts have long been a popular thing over the years, and that popularity hasn’t melted away in recent years. For 2020, the popularity may have reached too an all-time high, with many wanted to put their slogan and design to describe a topsy-turvy year.

For most people who want to put their stamp on their clothing, a trade printing service can help customize and bring your slogans and creations to life. Besides, that’s the entire point of printing on t-shirts: customizing them to make them your own and make a statement about your personality. A t-shirt is one of the more customizable products out there. Use it to make a statement.

Customize Your Bathroom Towels

Some may read this and wonder why someone would want to customize their bathroom towels.

Well, there is a good reason for this, and that’s to keep your family (or roommates) from using your towel. Granted, some may not care, but many others do, and the best way to keep others from using your bathroom towel is to customize it and make it your own. That way, your family member or roommate won’t have the excuse to say that they “used your towel by accident,” because there is no other towel in the bathroom that has a monogram of Snoopy on the towel.

If you’re sick and tired of others using your bathroom towels, get it customized so that it can stand out from the other towels, and send a message for others to not use your towel.

Customize Your PJs

For some, the perfect sleeping clothes is throwing on a ripped up t-shirt and some jogging pants.

While that’s fine and dandy, it doesn’t say much about you. There is value in customizing your PJs, making them go beyond functionality and making them fun and entertaining. Maybe you love Scooby-Doo? Take them to a design company and ask them to design your PJs so that it showcases just how much you love Scooby-Doo.

There are numerous cute and fun designs out there that will make your PJs stand out from the bunch, and will turn those drabby sleeping clothes into something that is of your own.

Customize Your Figurines

You may think that you’re a bit “too old” to be collecting figurines, but a large number of adults still love to collect their figurines.

The thing about figurines is, you can customize and make your figurines. There are numerous 3D design services that will make a customize figurine for you. Over the years, 3D printers have become all the rage. These are printers that can print out and shape a certain product, from figurines to even cars. The technology is still in its infancy, but it has also grown to the point that businesses are sprouting up around the use of 3D printing.

Soon, you will be able to use basic inket printers to make your own 3D figurines however you want them. Maybe you’re a fan of The Office? Well, you could use a 3D printer to create a coffee mug that has images from the hit television show. Or, you can print your own Dwight figurine soon! In the meantime, you can take your ideas to a company that could make your figurine dreams a reality.

Customize Your Vehicle

Aside from clothes, most people will spend a lot of money on customizing their used trucks or cars. To many people, a car is a showpiece, something that screams “them,” and they use the customization of a car to tell others who they’re about. Let’s be honest here. When you buy a car off of a car lot, the interior and exterior will be bland. Some may be fine with this, as they will see a car as something that will get them from point A to point B, but for many, the blandness of their ride is something that they can’t live with.

So, they will take the money that they have and use it to “pimp their rides.” The best thing about cars is that they are easily customizable, from the seat covers to the actual car itself, you can transform your ride from a “point-to-point” vehicle to something that screams “you!”

First, let’s start with the seat covers, which can change what your interior says about you. You can take your car to an auto shop and have them remade in your image. You can also retrofit them to include such amenities as heated seats. There are a ton of ways you can customize your seat covers to make them your own.

Next up, your car windshield. Yes, your windshield should be used as a primary function for, you know, actually seeing the road. Auto upgrades don’t need to be major for you to customize your vehicle. You can include window decals on your windshield or back window.

Customize Your Motorcycle

Ah, motorcycles are great items to customize into your creation.

One of the major reasons why so many people buy motorcycles for the potential these two-wheeled machines have in customization. There are numerous shops across the country that are dedicated to customizing motorcycles and motorcycle equipment and the possibilities are simply endless.

You can customize your handlebars. You can customize your engine and other specs. Heck, you can even customize your helmet. The fact of the matter is that a motorcycle is one of the more customizable items a person can own and make it their own. Sure, it will cost a pretty penny to customize your bike, but it will be worth it when you’re riding down the street and people instantly know that it’s your bike.

Custiomize Your Mugs And Water Bottles

Heading back into the home, two of the most customizable items that a person can own are coffee mugs and water bottles.

The coffee mug, especially, can make your personality stand out from your roommates or family members. You can walk into any store that will have coffee mugs on display with all sorts of funny messages and designs, some of which may fit you. However, you want your coffee mug to speak to what you’re about, and you can customize your mug at home for little to no cost.

Many arts and craft stores carry the tools you will need to customize your coffee mug. Come up with a design or saying, get the crafts needed to create it, and there you go, your own, personalized coffee mug.

Water bottles can also be customized to fit your personality. When you go to the gym to workout, you want your water bottle to stand out from the crowd. Follow the steps outlined in how to customize your coffee mug and apply it to your water bottle, and there you go, your very own water bottle that no one at the gym will be able to match.

Customize Your Pet’s Things

Many pet owners love to spoil their four-legged friends, so much so that their things can be personalized as well.

There are many pet items that you can customize to fit your pet’s (or yours) personality. Dog accessories are the more common personalized items out there, from doggy beds to leashes that will add a dash of cuteness to your dog. For all animals, one item that you can customize with ease is their water bowl. As you would with a coffee mug or a water bottle, you can hit up an arts and crafts store and get the tools needed to create a distinct visual image for your pet’s bowl. Your pet may not care, as they will see it for what it is, but it will be your personality on display.

Customize Your Sheets And Bedding

Your bed is a comfortable place to come and unwind at the end of a long day, so why not make it your own?

It’s easy to customize your bed sheets and covers. You can take them to a business that specializes in customizing items, give them your design, and watch them go to work making your design become a reality. Customizing your bed sheets and covers will give you a sense of intimacy, something that’s yours and yours alone, and will last you forever. A bed sheet and cover can be more than just items to snuggle under when it’s cold or to go to sleep.

In conclusion, customizing your things says a lot about your personality, Sure, you can buy things and be just fine with the design that’s already printed on them. In this day and age, many product makers are already making customized items that will attract customers. That’s because 80 percent of customers are more likely to buy a product that fits their personality.

However, that doesn’t mean that many people haven’t been bitten by the customizing bug. On the contrary, there are still a lot of items out there that are easily customizable to fit your image.

As we mentioned above, cars and motorcycles are two of the best items that you can make your own. Your car or motorcycle can easily make a statement as to what you are, what you’re about, and what you love the most. The itch to customize isn’t limited to just vehicles, however. Your home can become a palette of your creative imagination as well. Create a coffee mug that screams “you,” or change the bedding to more resemble what you’re about and bring a sense of style to your home.

You can also use customization to make your items stand out so others won’t use them. Customize your bathroom towels so that your family won’t use it, or the water bottle so that other gym members won’t mistakenly take yours. The wealth of possibilities when it comes to customizing your things are endless.

It showcases who you are as a person, and make you unique and stand out from the crowd. Just don’t get too crazy with it. Aw, what the heck! Customize to your heart is content.

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