If you want to sell your home, you need to take some great photos of it. For homes valued at between $400,000 and $500,000, 64% of the homes that had high quality photos taken of them sold within six month. Only 46% of the homes that had simple photos taken with point and shoot cameras…
All posts in April 2016
How Photo Color Correction Services Breathe New Life Into Your Favorite, Priceless Photographs
Since the creation of photography nearly 150 years ago, it’s often been said that a picture is worth a thousand words and it’s easy to see why. Photography is not only an expressive visual art form, but it has also become apart of everyday life, especially in today’s modern times when the use of social…
Some of our Favorite Organic Hygiene Products
We’re so obsessed with the “latest and greatest,” most complicated treatments in America that we’ve totally lost touch with our medicinal roots. That’s not to say that you should throw away all your sleeping pills and ibuprophen. However we strongly encourage you to give the following holistic, organic hygiene products a try before buying out…
Botox and Its Many Uses
Aging is an obvious part of our everyday lives. We must deal with and accept the fact that we are getting older, and that our bodies and our faces are showing that. Some people choose to take great care of their skin and their bodies to age more gracefully, while others choose to ignore it.…