Some of the Biggest Names in African American Celebrity Talent

If you’re looking for the best information from the right black gossip site, you’ve come to the right place! Black celebrity news is a bigger deal than ever before, with Black Entertainment Television (BET) leading the way in more than 90 million homes across the world. As of 2010, BET had become the biggest black-American…

Spa Services Are a Vibrant Part of the Cosmetic Industry

Today’s definition of beauty continues to evolve and remains varied. In some parts of the world, for instance, there is nothing more attractive than the natural beauty of a flawless complexion. Even in America where there is often a complicated focus on the application of the right kind of make up and the exact shade…

The Importance of BET within African American Culture

We are still fighting against an entertainment industry that seems determined not to give credit where it’s due. Specifically, to celebrities of color. With more than 45 million African American citizens in the United States, it’s important to remember that they are all working hard to achieve their dreams. And the same goes for African…

Why Donate Your Used Clothes, and How to Prepare Them For Donation

Are you thinking about how to give children in need clothing? There are a lot of good reasons to give children in need clothing, and there are also some best practices to make sure your clothing donations do the most good for both the needy and for you. Why Donate? Is it worth it to…

Don’t Take Your Bath Towels Down to the Pool This Summer!

Your summer prep isn’t complete without new beach towels. Many families don’t bother with special towels for taking to the pool or to the beach. They might think that all towels are alike and serve the same purpose of removing excess water from your body. Yet the towels we use in our bathrooms are not…

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