Planning a Vacation? Enjoy Renting a Condo by the Beach



When was the last time you went on a real vacation? The type of vacation where you return feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

If you own a business or are otherwise employed, hopefully you’re one of the 53% of adults in the United States that realize the benefits of taking regular vacations. When surveyed, these vacationers returned home feeling refreshed from the experience.

If you take regular leisure-oriented trips, do you choose weekly vacation rentals or stay in a hotel? When you’re aware of the importance of vacations for avoiding burnout and other work-oriented stress, you likely take regular vacations and choose relaxing environments.

Many busy executives, for example, believe vacations play a vital role in preventing, or altogether avoiding, personal burnout. Furthermore, when returning to work, executives have reported other benefits than just having a break from day-to-day business operations.

When executives were surveyed, approximately 78% realize that regular vacations are essential for them personally. Furthermore, 75% claimed that their own job performance was improved, and 68% actually experienced increased creativity.

In addition to feeling more rested and relaxed, many vacationers actually sleep better while away from home. This is due, in part, from being in a new environment away from regular distractions and obligations. A recent survey showed that 52% of those polled feel more rested and relaxed, while 49% sleep better–and longer–while on vacation.

Yet another benefit of going on vacation is the time and space to create the perfect setting for more romance. Four-out-of-ten vacationers, for example, have shared that vacations make a profound difference on how romantic they feel. When daily obligations are put to the side, just being able to enjoy time together can definitely enhance a relationship.

Vacations also contribute to a person’s overall well-being. When affluent leisure travelers responded to a recent survey, eight-out-of-ten said that vacations were very important in this regard. In addition to having the opportunity to explore new experiences, these vacationers are also able to meet new people and expand their social circle.

Are you currently planning a long-awaited vacation? Or, perhaps you’re planning one of several you will be taking in the next few months or over the year. If you haven’t stayed in an island, beach-front condo yet, you may want to add this to your wish list and itinerary.

Weekly vacation rentals, such as beachfront condos, are an excellent place to relax and rejuvenate. Furthermore, when you travel with friends or a romantic interest, you will have the opportunity to deepen your relationships and have fun.

Whether you’re planning to be on vacation for a few weeks or for several months, when you choose weekly vacation rentals, you will have a wonderful time meeting new people and otherwise enjoying yourself.

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